
Empowering Our Youth

As part of Fundación Uno’s mission to promote education and social development, we seek to empower today’s youth to make healthy life decisions. TeenSmart International is an NGO that carries out this endeavor.


TeenSmart brings together youth with facilitators and virtual consultants using the Internet. These professionals inform youth (10 to 24 years old) and counsels them on the prevention of six risky behaviors: self-inflicted or accidental injuries (accidents, violence, suicide, bullying), smoking; alcohol and drug use; risky sexual behaviors which can lead to teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases; lack of physical exercise; and nutritional disorders.

Success Indicators

The program is carried out using a virtual educational platform (jovensalud.net) in which these life skills “CRECER para SER” are promoted.


The use of the TeenSmart tools in Nicaragua started in 2004, and is now being used with 39 partner organizations.

TeenSmart’s tools have been integrated with Fundación Uno in the following institutions:

  • Aulanet Cruz Roja- INRL, Rivas
  • Aulanet Potosí IPBZ
  • Aulanet San Juan del Sur INEMYR,
  • San José de Buenos Aires, Rivas
  • Juan José Rodríguez, Jinotepe, Carazo

For further information visit the following webpages:


“Empowering Our Youth”

Fundación Uno