Which geographic region and population do Fundación Uno’s programs focus on?

Our projects Jóvenes Talento, Portal de Matemática and Teensmart are focused on aiding the most underserved groups in Nicaragua, with similar programs in El Salvador and Guatemala.

Teacher Training program is provided for all Nicaraguan teachers interested.

Enfermería de Hoy!  is provided for all nursing students in the 13 nursing schools across Nicaragua.

Chispa is implemented in 20 schools in the cities of Managua and Esteli.

The rest of our programs are implemented in Rivas, Nicaragua where we are developing programs in concentrated areas where we can more systematically evaluate and measure the impact the programs are having on the population served.

How are the schools of excellence chosen?

Schools are chosen at random  in conjunction with the Ministry of Education based on the school’s needs or proven that they have improved in academic excellence.  Overall,  10 schools are chosen on a yearly basis in Rivas, Nicaragua and 3 schools in La Libertad, El Salvador.   In addition, 9 schools are chosen in Villa de Carmen and San Rafael del Sur as part of Ingenio Montelimar ‘s social responsibility.

How are the 13 students for academic excellence determined?

The director of each school sends a photocopy of the top students’ grades by grade level. Students must have at least a 90% average.  The top two students receive a prize in addition to their Certificate of Academic Excellence.  One student that demonstrates to be most improved within the school year is also recognized.   The remaining 10 students receive their certificate.  All students are encouraged to continue to earn academic excellence.

How can one apply for a scholarship from Fundación Uno?

Fundación Uno awards a scholarship each year to the best student in Nicaragua as identified by  MINED (Ministry of Education) or for best student from Jóvenes Talento.

How can one enroll in the Jóvenes Talento Academy?

In order to take part in the Jóvenes Talento Academy,  the student (ages 10-14) must complete a mathematics exam that is published annually (in the month of February) in the newspaper La Prensa. The exam is then sent to the Ministry of Education, the UNI or Fundación Uno where it is graded. Based on the results the individuals that obtained the highest grades on the exam are contacted and they take an additional exam. The top students from this second exam are then invited to take part in the academy of Jóvenes Talento.

How much does it cost to participate in Jóvenes Talento?

Fundación Uno covers the costs of classes, which includes materials, transportation and meals during classes. All services are provided free of charge.

How can a teacher receive professional training in any of the courses offered?

As long as the teacher is interested and willing s/he simply calls Fundación Uno and enrolls. Please contact our office.

How can a school be part of Chispa?

Most important requirement is teacher’s interest, availability and commitment to participate in the program.  Other specific requirements are:

  • The elementary school must have all grades (2nd-6th) in the one building in the cities of Managua and/or Estelí.
  • The school must have a safe infrastructure, i.e. must have electricity in all classrooms, locks on doors, etc…

For further information please contact us at 2270-1514 ext. 144

If you have any questions or comments please contact us at:


Fundación Uno